What is Student Assistance?
Student Assistance is a K-12 program designed to create a vibrant atmosphere for learning and to make school a place kids want to be. Help is offered for students experiencing difficulties that interfere with social, emotional and/or academic development.
What's included in the program?
- Prevention- education and other activities designed to help develop and maintain healthy lifestyles among students.
- Identification- students experiencing problems can be identified by their parents, teachers, peers, or themselves.
- Intervention- Counselors/Social Workers work with the student and family to discuss identified concerns and offer additional help.
- Assessment- offered to determine the nature and severity of student concerns. Support services may be recommended.
How are referrals made?
A referral can be made by contacting your Student Assistance Coordinator.
There are four kinds of referrals:
- Self- the student indicates a need for help to a Core Team member.
- Parent or school staff- may initiate a referral for academic, behavioral, or emotional concerns.
- Disciplinary- a Level III violation will automatically result in a referral to the Student Assistance Program.
- Academic and Attendance Concerns- students at risk for academic failure or truancy are automatically referred.
What happens after a student is referred?
Parents, teachers, and staff (Core Team) work together to develop an intervention plan. Options for intervention may include short-term school counseling, in-school support groups, or referral to a community agency.